A powerful data analytics tool providing a competitive advantage for participants of Baltpool biomass exchange

2024 06 04
A powerful data analytics tool providing a competitive advantage for participants of Baltpool biomass exchange

We became the first biomass exchange in Europe in 2012, and we collect large amounts of information about this market daily. We have therefore continued to expand our competences and service selection and successfully presented the factoring opportunity and statistical data analytics to the exchange participants.

“Baltpool is not just an exchange, and data analytics has become part of our daily life. It is the foundation of strong, growth-oriented businesses that organisations use to be ahead of others rather than out of simple curiosity,” said Andrius Smaliukas, CEO at Baltpool.

We would therefore like to provide a brief introduction to our latest product―the data analytics reports that help better understand market particularities and enable improving the use of the exchange.

The data analytics tool based on Microsoft Power BI software generates comprehensive reports by different data aspects because it is difficult to imagine rational business solutions without that in the digital age.

What benefits do the exchange participants (heating networks of big cities and small towns, the country’s main combined heat and power plants, private businesses, and other industrial entities) receive as a result?

  • Access to biomass market data: exchange contract price trends, scope, and other contract data by country or contract type.
  • Real time and historical market information to enable making substantiated decisions.
  • Comprehensive analysis and reports on the market participant’s contracts, information on trade partners, and partner contract performance indicators.
  • An opportunity for biomass buyers to evaluate quality indicators of biomass for individual suppliers, and an opportunity for suppliers to evaluate indicators for individual buyers.

This analytics tool provides participants with an opportunity to see a comprehensive picture of the market dynamics, and also enables them to forecast trends and adjust their strategies and purchase and sales decisions accordingly.

“Furthermore, it is easier to regularly monitor and evaluate own performance and compare it to market standards. Participants of the Baltpool Biomass Exchange obtain data-based insights to enable them improve their performance and acquire a competitive advantage“, said Mr. Smaliukas.

You can familiarise yourself with data report subscription rates and view their examples here.