Timber Exchange Trade Overview – October 2020

2020 11 16

European timber exporters have increased the share of sales to overseas countries from 30% to 45% over the past decade, and, in 2020, more than one fifth of their timber was exported to Asia. The current unique situation has provided European producers with new opportunities: demand for timber in Europe has dropped and supply has increased considerably, while the countries with the greatest demand for timber lack their own timber resources. The four major European exporters – Sweden, Finland, Germany and Austria – produced over 56% of all European timber in 2019 and were responsible for approximately two thirds of the continent’s exports. It is forecast that these four countries will export 36 million solid m3 of coniferous timber in 2020.

There are some good news for buyers wishing to purchase larger quantities of timber: two auctions for concluding long-term and half-year contracts will be held in November, and more than 1.2 million solid m3 of timber will be offered. Further information about the offered timber and the auction schedule is available in the ETTS.

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